20.109(F07): M13.1

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20.109(F07): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

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Genome Engineering        Expression Engineering        Biomaterials Engineering              


image credit: Justin Lo, MIT Course 20
genetic element promoter RBS coding
arbitrary starting point
gII BBa_M13102 BBa_M13502 BBa_M13002
gX BBa_M13110 BBa_M13510 BBa_M13010
gV BBa_M13105 BBa_M13505 BBa_M13005
gVII BBa_M13507 BBa_M13007
gIX BBa_M13509 BBa_M13009
gVIII BBa_M13108 BBa_M13508 BBa_M13008
Transcriptional terminator
gIII BBa_M13103 BBa_M13503 BBa_M13003
gVI BBa_M13106 BBa_M13506 BBa_M13006
gI BBa_M13101 BBa_M13501 BBa_M13001
gXI BBa_M13511 BBa_M13011
gIV BBa_M13104 BBa_M13504 BBa_M13004
M13K07 ori/KanR/p15a ori

"Divide and conquer" may be an effective military strategy but its usefulness is not limited to that arena. The reductionist approach has been an important means of understanding complex biological processes. By tweezing apart networks and pathways, the components that contribute to the overall behavior of the system may be understood in great detail. As you've seen, however, reassembly of the component level understanding into a predictive and quantitative models for the system isn't always straightforward. That's what happened with the T7 model that you read about last time, and the author's response to the limited success of the models is what makes that T7 work so novel. Rather than continue to tweeze apart and better understand the natural example, they built a surrogate T7 that was a better template for experimental work, easier to manipulate and analyze, easier to characterize and understand.

Now you will help design a surrogate M13. Some of the identified genetic elements have been specified at the Registry of Standard Biological Parts.

Part 1: M13.1

M13K07 scaffold for re-engineering

Refactor the M13K07 genome from the unique HpaI site in gene II through the unique BamHI site in gene III, guided by the algorithm described in the Refactoring T7 paper Supplementary Figure 1. You might start by annotating the M13K07 sequence across this region, giving hypothetical part names ("BBb_M13_109.07_00001") to all genetically encoded functions. Collect these parts in a table similar to the one in the introduction to today's lab and write a brief component descriptions for each. If there are particular aspects of the M13K07 sequence that cannot be edited, note these difficulties on your parts table, describing the design impass in sufficient detail that someone unfamiliar with our work might understand enough to help.

Proposed refinements can be noted on the individual parts as well as on our M13 refactoring workpage

Part 2: Oral Presentation Instruction

Over the course of the term, everyone taking 20.109 will be making two presentations to the class. One will be a presentation of a primary journal article related to either genome or expression engineering. The other presentation will be of a research idea. Today our wonderful coach from the Writing program will come to lab to give a talk about giving talks. This presentation should be a welcomed chance to learn what's expected when you speak (in 20.109 and elsewhere) and to gather some great tips for giving polished and interesting seminars. You can follow up this instruction by re-reading the 20.109(F07):Guidelines for oral presentations.

Part 3: Sequencing

The invention of automated sequencing machines has made sequence determination a fast and inexpensive endeavor. The method for sequencing DNA is not new but automation of the process is recent, developed in conjunction with the massive genome sequencing efforts of the 1990s. At the heart of sequencing reactions is chemistry worked out by Fred Sanger in the 1970’s which uses dideoxynucleotides.

Normal bases versus chain-terminating bases

These chain-terminating bases can be added to a growing chain of DNA but cannot be further extended. Performing four reactions, each with a different chain-terminating base, generates fragments of different lengths ending at G, A, T, or C. The fragments, once separated by size, reflect the DNA’s sequence. In the “old days” (all of 10 years ago!) radioactive material was incorporated into the elongating DNA fragments so they could be visualized on X-ray film (image on left). More recently fluorescent dyes, one color linked to each dideoxy-base, have been used instead. The four colored fragments can be passed through capillaries to a computer that can read the output and trace the color intensities detected (image on right). Your sample will be sequenced in this way on an ABI 3730 DNA Analyzer.

Sequencing gel
Sequence trace data

Sequencing will be one of the last steps to assess the success of your work on the gene for p3. From your experiment last time, you may feel confident that your oligonucleotide pair was successfully inserted into the M13K07 genome. What remains unclear, however is which direction the insert has gone in. Since the restriction sites are so close together, the orientations can't be distinguished by restriction analysis. To know if the construct you have in hand is in the intended or the reverse direction, it will be necessary to sequence the region.

Sequencing reactions require 200-500 ng of plasmid DNA, and 3.2 pmoles of sequencing primer in a final volume of 12 μl. The miniprep'd plasmid should have ~1 ug of nucleic acid/ul but that will be a mixture of RNA and DNA, so we will guess at the amount of plasmid DNA there and use 1 ul of your miniprep'd DNA/sequencing reaction.

Prepare an eppendorf tube with enough material for two sequencing reactions, namely

  • 2 ul of your plasmid DNA candidate(s)
  • 6.4 ul of a 1:100 dilution of the sequencing primer NO198
  • 15.6 ul sterile water

Pipet this solution up and down to mix and then transfer 12 ul to one of the tubes in the 8-tube strip we will turn in at the biopolymer's facility in E17 for sequencing. The data will be available for you to examine one week from today. Keep your fingers crossed.


For Next Time

  1. Exchange writing assignment with lab partner for comments/reactions.
  2. Prepare agarose gel figure.

Reagents list

  • Sequencing primers
    • M13KO7seq_2101_fwd
    • M13KO7seq_2151_fwd