20.109(S19): Announcements
From Course Wiki
Teaching team for Spring 2019
Teaching faculty:
- Prof. Angela Koehler (M1)
- Prof. Ernest Fraenkel and Dr. Noreen Lyell (M2)
- Prof. Angela Belcher (M3)
- Dr. Leslie McClain (T/R section)
- Dr. Noreen Lyell (W/F section)
Communication instructors:
Teaching assistant:
- Catherine Henry (T/R section)
- Michaela Gold (W/F section)
Lab manager:
- Hsinhwa Lee
Office hours for Spring 2019
Regular office hours:
- Noreen: Tuesday and Thursday 4-5p, Friday 11-12p in 16-317
- Leslie: Monday and Friday 3-4pm in 56-341c
- By appointment: contact via email and include days and times that you are available to meet
Additional office hours are provided prior to the due date off major assignments. These dates / times will be announced throughout the semester.
Absence policy
Absences from lecture:
- You are responsible for all information provided in lecture.
Absences from laboratory:
- Excused absences should be discussed with the 20.109 teaching team as soon as possible. Because we are unable to provide make-up laboratory time, you may be required to attend the other section to complete the necessary experiments.
- Unexcused absences will result in a full increment deduction from your final grade on the major assignment for the module (for example, a B+ would become a B).