20.109(S19): Announcements

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20.109(S19): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

Sp19 banner image v2.png

Spring 2019 schedule        FYI        Assignments        Homework        Class data        Communication
       1. Assessing ligand binding        2. Measuring gene expression        3. Engineering biomaterials              

Teaching team for Spring 2019

Teaching faculty:

Communication instructors:

Teaching assistant:

  • Catherine Henry (T/R section)
  • Michaela Gold (W/F section)

Lab manager:

  • Hsinhwa Lee

Office hours for Spring 2019

Regular office hours:

  • Noreen: Tuesday and Thursday 4-5p, Friday 11-12p in 16-317
  • Leslie: Monday and Friday 3-4pm in 56-341c
  • By appointment: contact via email and include days and times that you are available to meet

Additional office hours are provided prior to the due date off major assignments. These dates / times will be announced throughout the semester.

Absence policy

Absences from lecture:

  • You are responsible for all information provided in lecture.

Absences from laboratory:

  • Excused absences should be discussed with the 20.109 teaching team as soon as possible. Because we are unable to provide make-up laboratory time, you may be required to attend the other section to complete the necessary experiments.
  • Unexcused absences will result in a full increment deduction from your final grade on the major assignment for the module (for example, a B+ would become a B).