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==Microscope design==
==Microscope design==
[[Image:20.309 130909 4fdashed3.png|thumb|300px]]
A 4f microscope consists of two, positive focal length lenses. The lens nearer to the object is called the objective lens. The lens nearer to the image is called the tube lens &mdash; presumably because it resides inside the tube of an old fashioned microscope. The distance between the lenses is equal to the sum of their focal lengths, ''f<sub>1</sub>''+''f<sub>2</sub>''. Objects are placed one focal length ''f<sub>1</sub>'' to the left of the objective lens. According to optical ray tracing rules, all rays emerging from a point in the focal plane of the objective lens, where the object is, emerge parallel after refraction. The objective lens produces ''collimated'' light; there is no location where an image of the object is formed by the objective &mdash; real or virtual. Using the same ray tracing rule in reverse, parallel rays striking the tube lens pass through a single point in the focal plane. This forms an image at a distance of ''f<sub>2</sub>'' from the tube lens. You can verify by similar triangles that the magnification of the system is ''-f<sub>2</sub>''/''f<sub>1</sub>'', the ratio of the focal lengths of the lenses. (The sign is negative because the image is inverted.) The total length of the system ''l''=2''-f<sub>1</sub>''+2''f<sub>2</sub>''. Based on this observation, somebody decided that it would be clever to call this design a "4f" microscope, in spite of the fact that there are two different efs. It's no wonder that many people find engineers a bit curious.
The design of your transillumination bright field microscope will closely resemble that of Hooke's: indeed, you too will use two positive lenses, an objective lens and its complementary tube lens, to examine samples and generate images. This simple design is commonly referred to as a "4f microscope". As you study geometrical optics this semester, you'll learn that if the object is positioned exactly at the focal length ''f<sub>1</sub>'' of the objective lens, then its image will be crisp, non-blurry, or colloquially ''in focus'' at the focal length ''f<sub>2</sub>'' of the tube lens. Moreover, the image will be magnified by the ratio of the focal lengths, ''f<sub>2</sub> / f<sub>1</sub>''.
[[Image:Microscope Objective Markings.png|thumb|right]]
The imaging path of the microscope you build in this lab will be a 4f system, assuming you follow instructions reasonably well. To build a system with high magnification and a lot of light gathering capacity, it is desirable for an objective lens to have a large cross section and a short focal length. Unfortunately, simple lenses with these attributes exhibit terrible aberrations. (Hooke used a small ball of glass as his objective lens. It is a wonder that he was able to produce such detailed and accurate drawings from the distorted field of view he observed. It is likely that Hooke was a more patient person than you.) To reduce aberrations to an acceptable level, modern objective lenses consist of many optical elements in series. Despite the complexity (and added thickness) of all of the lenses inside modern objectives, they behave very much like a single. simple len that has a spatial distortion in the middle. Yes, I mean the hoakey, Star Trek sort of spatial distortion where one bit of space connects to another, discontiguous bit of space. There is a point on the optical axis in front of the first lens that is analogous to the front focal point of a simple lens . The distance from the frontmost optic of the objective to this point is specified on the side of the objective in millimeters after the letters "WD" for "working distance." There is a similarly analogous point that corresponds to the back focus of a simple lens. The location of that point varies as a function of the magnification of the objective. For high magnification objectives, the point is inside the barrel of the objective; it may be outside the objective for low power objectives. Tragically, the manufacturer does not specify this distance. Other than the spatial anomaly, it is nearly always safe to imagine that a complicated objective lens works like a single, simple lens of a certain focal length. The analogous focal length is called the equivalent focal length, or EFL.
You can find the EFL by the formula ''EFL''=''RTL''/''M'', where ''RTL'' is a mysterious quantity called the reference tube length and ''M'' is the magnification, which is printed on the side of the objective. The RTL is a manufacturer-specific number that is not printed on the objective &mdash; or just about anywhere else. RTL is equal to the focal length of the tube lens embedded inside the microscope that the manufacturer wants to sell you. Since we are building our own microscope, we will have to figure out what sort of tube lens the manufacturer had in mind. Our objectives are manufactured by Nikon, which uses a 200 mm tube lens in their instruments. Thus ''EFL''=200 mm/''M''. A 40X Nikon objective behaves like a 5 mm lens.
Other specifications printed on objectives include magnification, followed by an "X", a slash, and the numerical aperture, or NA. NA is a measure of the light gathering capacity of the objective. More is better.  The infinity symbol on the objective in the picture specifies the "tube length." Tube length is the distance in millimeters at which the objective is designed to form an image. Older objectives often have a tube length of 160 or 200 instead of infinity. These lenses are optimized for a slightly different design in which the sample plane is a bit farther away and the objective forms a real image. The infinity symbol indicates that the objective is designed to have the sample exactly in its front focal plane in order to produce collimated light. The number after the &infin;/ is the coverslip thickness. Aberrations in the objective are corrected for a specific type of coverslip. Some very fancy objectives have an adjustment ring that allows different thicknesses.
Other markings you'll find on modern objectives include an intricate yet arcane nomenclature and set of acronyms that describe other optical properties:
* chromatic aberration correction: Achro, Fluor, Apo
* flat field optical correction: Plan, Plano
* immersion medium: Oil , Oel, Water, Wasser, Gly
* specialized optics: Phase, DIC, ELWD, …
|[[Image:20.309 130909 4fdashed3.png|frameless|300px]]
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[[Image:20.309 140204 NikonObjective.png|thumb|100px]]
Even though modern objective lenses encapsulate high-complexity and high-performance optical systems, their basic function can be modeled as a single, ideal lens.
You can read key properties of the objective lens directly from the markings engraved on its enclosure:
* The nominal magnification ''M'' precedes the sign 'X' on the casing.
* The objective's numerical aperture ''NA'' follows.
* The tube length is the distance between the back ring of the objective and the image plane.
** Most modern objectives have infinite tube length (&infin; symbol).
** Thus, a second lens, the tube lens, is required to form an image.
** The reference tube length ''RTL'' (not specified on objective's body) relates the objective's focal length ''f'' and its nominal magnification ''M'' : ''f = RTL / M'' .
** The manufacturer of the objective lenses we'll use in class, Nikon, lists and recommends a RTL of 200 mm, for optimal correction of aberrations.
* The thickness of the coverslip to be used in conjunction with the objective follows the '/' sign.
* The object plane (''i.e.'' the "focal plane" of the lens) is located at the working distance indicated in millimeters after the letters ''WD''.
Other markings you'll find on modern objectives include an intricate yet arcane nomenclature and set of acronyms that describe their optical properties:
* chromatic aberration correction: Achro, Fluor, Apo
* flat field optical correction: Plan, Plano
* immersion medium: Oil , Oel, Water, Wasser, Gly
* specialized optics: Phase, DIC, ELWD, …
The imaging path of the transillumination bright-field microscope you'll build will thus be simple:  It will include the objective lens (L1) and a tube lens (L2).  Translucid specimens, illuminated by collimated light from an LED, will be placed at the front focus of L1, producing collimated light that will reflect off mirror M1. L2 will form an image of the sample on a CCD camera, which must be placed one focal length from L2.  
The imaging path of the transillumination bright-field microscope you'll build will thus be simple:  It will include the objective lens (L1) and a tube lens (L2).  Translucid specimens, illuminated by collimated light from an LED, will be placed at the front focus of L1, producing collimated light that will reflect off mirror M1. L2 will form an image of the sample on a CCD camera, which must be placed one focal length from L2.  

Revision as of 00:43, 5 February 2014

20.309: Biological Instrumentation and Measurement

ImageBar 774.jpg

Hooke micrograph of cork cells

I took a good clear piece of Cork, and with a Pen-knife sharpen'd as keen as a Razor, I cut a piece of it off, and thereby left the surface of it exceeding smooth, then examining it very diligently with a Microscope, me thought I could perceive it to appear a little porous; but I could not so plainly distinguish them, as to be sure that they were pores, much less what Figure they were of: But judging from the lightness and yielding quality of the Cork, that certainly the texture could not be so curious, but that possibly, if I could use some further diligence, I might find it to be discernable with a Microscope, I with the same sharp Penknife, cut off from the former smooth surface an exceeding thin piece of it, and placing it on a black object Plate, because it was it self a white body, and casting the light on it with a deep plano-convex Glass, I could exceeding plainly perceive it to be all perforated and porous, much like a Honey-comb, but that the pores of it were not regular; yet it was not unlike a Honey-comb in these particulars.

I told several lines of these pores, and found that there were usually about threescore of these small Cells placed end-ways in the eighteenth part of an Inch in length, whence I concluded there must be neer eleven hundred of them, or somewhat more then a thousand in the length of an Inch, and therefore in a square Inch above a Million, or 1166400. and in a Cubick Inch, above twelve hundred Millions, or 1259712000. a thing almost incredible, did not our Microscope assure us of it by ocular demonstration.

Robert Hooke from Micrographia: or Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies made by Magnifying Glasses with Observations and Inquiries Thereupon (1665)[1]


In this lab, you will build an optical microscope using lenses, mirrors, filters, optical mounts, CCD cameras, lasers, and other components in the lab. The work is divided into 4 parts. Each part requires some lab work, some analysis, lots of clear thinking, and a written report. You will submit a short, group report after parts 1, 2, and 3. The final report should include results from all 4 parts of the lab. You may revise and improve your part 1-3 reports before the final submission. At the end of the lab, you will give an individual, 5 minute, oral presentation to an instructor. The presentation will be followed by ten minutes of questions and answers.

Part 1

Robert Hooke's microscope

In part 1 of the lab, you will build a compound microscope, determine its magnification, and attempt to measure the size of microscopic objects. The instrument you create will have a great deal in common with the microscope Robert Hooke built in the mid-1660s. Hooke meticulously documented his microscopic observations and published them in a popular volume called Micrographia in 1665. The measurements you make in part 1 will call to mind Hooke's early quantification of the size of plant cells (see quote at top of page). You will grapple with many of the same challenges Hooke faced: resolution, contrast, field of view, optical aberrations, and obscurity of thick samples. (To overcome the thick sample problem, Hooke used a very sharp knife to cut an "exceeding thin" slice of cork — a technique still in everyday use.)

Hooke spent countless hours hand drawing the breathtaking illustrations for Micrographia. A CCD camera in the image plane of your microscope will provide a huge advantage. You will be able to record micrographs nearly as spectacular as Hooke's in a fraction of a second and with far less skill. (As a young man, Hooke apprenticed as a painter. The guy could draw.)

Specimens in part 1 will be illuminated by an LED that shines light through the sample plane. The illumination will show up as a bright background in your images. The unsurprising name of this method is: transilluminated, bright field microscopy. Transillumination works well for samples that absorb or scatter a lot of light. Most biological samples have low contrast when imaged this way. Despite the limitations of bright field microscopy, many important discoveries were made with this simple method. Hooke was an early discoverer of plant cells, but he was mostly interested in how the cell structure of his cork sample explained the material's unique mechanical properties. He soon trained his microscope on other things (like glass canes, a bloodsucking louse, and feathers).

Barbara McClintock with her microscope

Likely inspired by Micrographia, a Dutch draper named Anton van Leeuwenhoek honed his lens-making skills and developed his own microscope. Van Leeuwenhoek was intensely interested in the tiny creatures he dubbed "animalcules" that he observed in water, blood, semen, and other specimens. Looking at samples of plaque from his own mouth, van Leeuwenhoek recorded: "I then most always saw, with great wonder, that in the said matter there were many very little living animalcules, very prettily a-moving. The biggest sort. . . had a very strong and swift motion, and shot through the water (or spittle) like a pike does through the water. Looking at the second sort. . . oft-times spun round like a top. . . and these were far more in number." (Sadly, the colorful term "animalcule" did not have as much staying power as "cell.") Van Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria, protozoa, spermatozoa, rotifers, Hydra, Volvox, and parthenogenesis in aphids. He was truly the first microbiologist.

20.309 microscope

Perhaps the most remarkable discovery ever made with nothing but a simple light microscope was genetic transposition. Barbara McClintock was a talented microscopist who developed a technique that enabled her to visualize and differentiate individual chromosomes in Zea mays (corn) plant cells. One important element of her method was that she prepared her samples by squashing them instead of cutting thin slices as Hooke did 300 years earlier. She observed genetic transposition through an optical microscope in 1944, nearly 10 years before the chemical structure of DNA was deciphered. Several decades elapsed before molecular techniques sufficiently sophisticated to confirm her discovery were developed.[2] McClintock was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1983 for her discovery.

An example microscope made by the instructors will be available in the lab for you to examine. Feel free to make improvements on this design. Mechanical stability will be crucial for the particle tracking experiments in parts 3 and 4 of the lab. The required stability specification will be achieved through good design and careful construction — not by indiscriminate over-tightening of screws.

Part 2

Fluorescence image from 20.309 microscope. Onion endothelial cell incubated with FM 4-64 dye (Invitrogen). [3]

The development of fluorescence microscopy has been the single most important rejoinder to the contrast problem (and more recently to the resolution problem). Fluorescence microscopes rely on special molecules in the sample called fluorophores that absorb photons of one wavelength and then turn around and emit photons of a longer wavelength. Optical filters separate excitation from emission, producing an image that shows only the cordial glow of the fluorescent molecules on a dark background. Filtering out the illumination provides much better contrast than transillumination. Excellent techniques exist for attaching fluorophores to molecules of interest. The three principal techniques are: fluorescent stains, immunofluorescence, and fluorescent proteins. Fluorescent stains such as DAPI are small molecules that bind to particular sites (the minor groove of DNA in the case of DAPI). Immunofluorescence exploits antibodies conjugated to fluorophores to label specific molecules. A dizzying array of antibodies and dyes exists. Because they are amenable to genetic manipulations, fluorescent protein techniques have had perhaps the most profound impact on biological science. The 2008 Nobel Prize honored Osamu Shimomura, Martin Chalfie and Roger Tsien for developing the green fluorescent protein (GFP).

In part 2 of the lab, you will augment your microscope to support fluorescence imaging. To test the new capabilities of your microscope, you will image fluorescent microspheres and immunofluorescently labeled biological samples. You will use image processing techniques to correct the images for nonuniform illumination.

Part 3

In part 3, you will make quantitative measurements using fluorescence. You will image tiny, fluorescent microscpheres to measure the resolution of your microscope. The beads are so small they act essentially like point sources. You will also take movies of larger microspheres diffusing in solvents of different viscosities. You will use image processing and particle tracking techniques to measure the diffusion coefficient of the particles and estimate the viscosity of the solvents. The details of some of the solvents will be revealed to you and others will be unknown.

Part 4

In part 4, you will use particle tracking to make quantitative measurements of a biological sample. Procedures vary from year to year. Details will be provided in class.

The final report should consist of all 4 sections in a single file. In the final document, you may revise any part of the first three sections without penalty. Only the final report will be graded. You may not skip any of the weekly reports.

Follow the format suggested in the Microscopy report outline.

After your report is turned in, each student must schedule a 15 minute, individual oral with an instructor. Instructors will be assigned randomly. The oral will consist of a 5 minute presentation followed by 10 minutes of questions and (if you want a good grade) answers. You may use prepared slides for your presentation, but it is not required. Orals constitute a large percentage of your grade. Make certain to prepare appropriately.

Microscope design

20.309 130909 4fdashed3.png

A 4f microscope consists of two, positive focal length lenses. The lens nearer to the object is called the objective lens. The lens nearer to the image is called the tube lens — presumably because it resides inside the tube of an old fashioned microscope. The distance between the lenses is equal to the sum of their focal lengths, f1+f2. Objects are placed one focal length f1 to the left of the objective lens. According to optical ray tracing rules, all rays emerging from a point in the focal plane of the objective lens, where the object is, emerge parallel after refraction. The objective lens produces collimated light; there is no location where an image of the object is formed by the objective — real or virtual. Using the same ray tracing rule in reverse, parallel rays striking the tube lens pass through a single point in the focal plane. This forms an image at a distance of f2 from the tube lens. You can verify by similar triangles that the magnification of the system is -f2/f1, the ratio of the focal lengths of the lenses. (The sign is negative because the image is inverted.) The total length of the system l=2-f1+2f2. Based on this observation, somebody decided that it would be clever to call this design a "4f" microscope, in spite of the fact that there are two different efs. It's no wonder that many people find engineers a bit curious.

Microscope Objective Markings.png

The imaging path of the microscope you build in this lab will be a 4f system, assuming you follow instructions reasonably well. To build a system with high magnification and a lot of light gathering capacity, it is desirable for an objective lens to have a large cross section and a short focal length. Unfortunately, simple lenses with these attributes exhibit terrible aberrations. (Hooke used a small ball of glass as his objective lens. It is a wonder that he was able to produce such detailed and accurate drawings from the distorted field of view he observed. It is likely that Hooke was a more patient person than you.) To reduce aberrations to an acceptable level, modern objective lenses consist of many optical elements in series. Despite the complexity (and added thickness) of all of the lenses inside modern objectives, they behave very much like a single. simple len that has a spatial distortion in the middle. Yes, I mean the hoakey, Star Trek sort of spatial distortion where one bit of space connects to another, discontiguous bit of space. There is a point on the optical axis in front of the first lens that is analogous to the front focal point of a simple lens . The distance from the frontmost optic of the objective to this point is specified on the side of the objective in millimeters after the letters "WD" for "working distance." There is a similarly analogous point that corresponds to the back focus of a simple lens. The location of that point varies as a function of the magnification of the objective. For high magnification objectives, the point is inside the barrel of the objective; it may be outside the objective for low power objectives. Tragically, the manufacturer does not specify this distance. Other than the spatial anomaly, it is nearly always safe to imagine that a complicated objective lens works like a single, simple lens of a certain focal length. The analogous focal length is called the equivalent focal length, or EFL.

You can find the EFL by the formula EFL=RTL/M, where RTL is a mysterious quantity called the reference tube length and M is the magnification, which is printed on the side of the objective. The RTL is a manufacturer-specific number that is not printed on the objective — or just about anywhere else. RTL is equal to the focal length of the tube lens embedded inside the microscope that the manufacturer wants to sell you. Since we are building our own microscope, we will have to figure out what sort of tube lens the manufacturer had in mind. Our objectives are manufactured by Nikon, which uses a 200 mm tube lens in their instruments. Thus EFL=200 mm/M. A 40X Nikon objective behaves like a 5 mm lens.

Other specifications printed on objectives include magnification, followed by an "X", a slash, and the numerical aperture, or NA. NA is a measure of the light gathering capacity of the objective. More is better. The infinity symbol on the objective in the picture specifies the "tube length." Tube length is the distance in millimeters at which the objective is designed to form an image. Older objectives often have a tube length of 160 or 200 instead of infinity. These lenses are optimized for a slightly different design in which the sample plane is a bit farther away and the objective forms a real image. The infinity symbol indicates that the objective is designed to have the sample exactly in its front focal plane in order to produce collimated light. The number after the ∞/ is the coverslip thickness. Aberrations in the objective are corrected for a specific type of coverslip. Some very fancy objectives have an adjustment ring that allows different thicknesses.

Other markings you'll find on modern objectives include an intricate yet arcane nomenclature and set of acronyms that describe other optical properties:

  • chromatic aberration correction: Achro, Fluor, Apo
  • flat field optical correction: Plan, Plano
  • immersion medium: Oil , Oel, Water, Wasser, Gly
  • specialized optics: Phase, DIC, ELWD, …

|20.309 130813 SimpleMicroscopeDiagram.png |- |A 4f microscope |width=500|The reference tube length for the Nikon objectives we will use is 200 mm. A 200 mm lens, placed 200 mm from the back ring of the objective, will produce the rated magnification M. |}

The imaging path of the transillumination bright-field microscope you'll build will thus be simple: It will include the objective lens (L1) and a tube lens (L2). Translucid specimens, illuminated by collimated light from an LED, will be placed at the front focus of L1, producing collimated light that will reflect off mirror M1. L2 will form an image of the sample on a CCD camera, which must be placed one focal length from L2.

20.309 microscope block diagram

To be able to add fluorescence imaging capability to your microscope without revising all critical distances and alignment you've ascertained for its bright-field modality, you will, from the onset of part 1, incorporate mounting components to harbor the fluorescence-specific optics needed in part 2 and beyond. In contrast with the transillumination bright-field approach where the LED incident light traverses the sample before reaching all image-forming optics, illumination for epi-fluorescence microscopy reaches the sample through the objective lens — from the same side of the sample that is observed. The rationale behind this design choice is the relative dimness of the fluorescence emission signal with respect to the needed excitation intensity. Even though fluorescence excitation and emission occur at distinct wavelengths and can thus be filtered away from one another, it is still advantageous to restrict to the utmost the amount of excitation light in the image plane.

A dichroic mirror

A dichroic mirror DM makes this modus operandi possible, by reflecting excitation green light but transmitting emission red light. (However, a dichroic mirror is imperfect and still allows a substantial amount of green light to pass. It is thus supplemented by a barrier filter BF to attenuate green light by 5 orders of magnitude. The combination DM + BF is essential for making good images.)

In epi-fluorescence mode, the sample is illuminated by a green laser. Traveling through and focused by the objective lens, this collimated laser beam would result in single point illumination of the sample. To restore collimated excitation of a broader region of the sample, lens L5 must be inserted in the optical path... with the drawback that the laser beam's diameter, ~ 1.1 mm originally, thus becomes "minified" by a factor f5 / fobj, which would result in the illumination of a disc only ~ 25 μm in diameter! A Gallilean beam expander (L3 and L4) is thus the final requirement of the microscope design. It allows the collimated laser illumination to match the CCD camera field of view. The focal lengths chosen for L3 and L4, and thus the expansion factor of the beam expander, are a tradeoff between uniformity and brightness of illumination, given the Gaussian shape of the laser beam.

Optical microscopy lab

Code examples and simulations

Background reading


  1. Hooke, R. Micrographia: or Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies made by Magnifying Glasses with Observations and Inquiries Thereupon London:Jo. Martyn, and Ja. Allestry, Printers to the Royal Society; 1665
  2. See, for example: McClintock, B. The origin and behavior of mutable loci in maize. PNAS. 1950; 36:344-355. [1], [2], and Endersby, Jim. A Guinea Pig's History of Biology. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press; 2007.
  3. See class stellar site for protocol. Oh & Yamaguchi, unpublished lab report