DNA Melting: Using the Matlab DNAMelter GUI

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The Matlab DNA Melting GUI ("Graphical User Interface") is called DNAMelter.m and is located in the CourseMaterials/Labs/DNAMelting. You may make a copy in your directory of choice, double click that copy to open the code in Matlab, then run the code via the Run button.

DNAMelter displays the current temperature and graphs the fluorescence voltage signal as well as temperature data in multiple plots.

At the end of a run, use the "Save Data" button to save to a file. The data will be tab-delimited and can be read into Matlab with the load command.

Troubleshooting: If Matlab gives you a data acquisition error, for example, "NO DATA ACQUISITION DEVICE FOUND!", open the Measurement and Automation Explorer ("MAX"), open the Devices and Interfaces drop-down on the left side, and make sure there is only one "NI USB-6xxx" entry and that it is called "Dev1." If it is not, or there is more than one device listed, physically disconnect the USB cable from your DAQ, then delete all "NI USB-6xxx" entries, then reconnect your DAQ, then verify that one entry reappears and that it is called "Dev1." Try to run the DNAMelter program again, and/or close it, re-open it, and run it again. If this does not work, consult a TA or Instructor.