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==Diffusion measurements from particle tracking data==
==Diffusion measurements from particle tracking data==
The function <tt>CalculateDiffusionCoefficientFromTrajectories</tt> can be used to plot the MSD as a function of time for fluorescent particles and calculate their average diffusion coefficient. Remember that MSD = <math>\left \langle {\left | \vec r(t+\tau)-\vec r(t) \right \vert}^2 \right \rangle=2Dd\tau</math>, where <i>r</i>(<i>t</i>) = position, <i>d</i> = number of dimensions, <i>D</i> = diffusion coefficient, and <math>\tau</math>= time interval. The input argument <tt>Centroids</tt> can be generated by the function <tt>track</tt>, which creates a 4 column matrix listing the x- and y- coordinates, the frame number and the particle number. Additional input arguments to <tt>CalculateDiffusionCoefficientFromTrajectories</tt> include the pixel size, the movie frame rate, and an optional figure handle for plotting the MSD.
The function <tt>CalculateDiffusionCoefficientFromTrajectories</tt> can be used to plot the MSD as a function of time for fluorescent particles and calculate their average diffusion coefficient. The input argument <tt>Centroids</tt> can be generated by the function <tt>track</tt>, which creates a 4 column matrix listing the x- and y- coordinates, the frame number and the particle number. Additional input arguments to <tt>CalculateDiffusionCoefficientFromTrajectories</tt> include the pixel size, the movie frame rate, and an optional figure handle for plotting the MSD.
<pre>function out = CalculateDiffusionCoefficientFromTrajectories(Centroids, PixelSize, FrameRate, FigureHandle)
<pre>function out = CalculateDiffusionCoefficientFromTrajectories(Centroids, PixelSize, FrameRate, FigureHandle)

Revision as of 18:45, 14 September 2018

20.309: Biological Instrumentation and Measurement

ImageBar 774.jpg

Example MSD calculation of sum and difference particles using MATLAB.

This page contains example MATLAB code for calculating the mean squared displacement (MSD) and diffusion coefficient from a movie of fluorescent microspheres.

Diffusion measurements from particle tracking data

The function CalculateDiffusionCoefficientFromTrajectories can be used to plot the MSD as a function of time for fluorescent particles and calculate their average diffusion coefficient. The input argument Centroids can be generated by the function track, which creates a 4 column matrix listing the x- and y- coordinates, the frame number and the particle number. Additional input arguments to CalculateDiffusionCoefficientFromTrajectories include the pixel size, the movie frame rate, and an optional figure handle for plotting the MSD.

function out = CalculateDiffusionCoefficientFromTrajectories(Centroids, PixelSize, FrameRate, FigureHandle)
Centroids( :, 1:2 ) = Centroids( :, 1:2 ) * PixelSize;
numberOfParticles = max( Centroids(:,4) );
particles = cell( 1, numberOfParticles );
longestTrack = 0;
particlesToSkip = [];

if( nargin < 4 || isempty( FigureHandle ))
    FigureHandle = figure;
figure( FigureHandle )

for ii = 1:numberOfParticles
    % get the centroids for a single particle
    particle = Centroids(Centroids(:,4) == ii, :);
    numberOfSamples = size(particle,1); % number of samples in trajectory
    particles{ii} = struct();
    numberOfMsds = round(numberOfSamples-1);% / 8);
    particles{ii}.msd = zeros(1, numberOfMsds);
    particles{ii}.msdUncertainty = zeros(1, numberOfMsds);
    particles{ii}.number = numberOfMsds;
    if numberOfMsds==0
        particlesToSkip = [particlesToSkip ii];
        for tau = 1:numberOfMsds
            dx = particle(1:1:(end-tau), 1) - particle((tau+1):1:end, 1);
            dy = particle(1:1:(end-tau), 2) - particle((tau+1):1:end, 2);
            drSquared = dx.^2+dy.^2;
            msd = mean( drSquared );
            particles{ii}.msd(tau) = msd;
            particles{ii}.msdUncertainty(tau) = std( drSquared ) / sqrt(length( drSquared ));
        particles{ii}.diffusionCoefficient = particles{ii}.msd(1) / (2 * 2 * FrameRate^-1);
        longestTrack = max( longestTrack, numberOfSamples );
        loglog( (1:numberOfMsds)/FrameRate, particles{ii}.msd(1:numberOfMsds), 'color', rand(1,3) );
        hold on;
% compute the average value of D and the ensemble average of msd
d = zeros(1,numberOfParticles);
averageMsd = zeros( 1, longestTrack );
averageMsdCount = zeros( 1, longestTrack);
for ii = 1:numberOfParticles
    if sum(particlesToSkip==ii)==0 
        numberOfMsds = length(particles{ii}.msd);
        d(ii) = particles{ii}.diffusionCoefficient;
        averageMsd(1:numberOfMsds) = averageMsd(1:numberOfMsds) + particles{ii}.msd;
        averageMsdCount(1:numberOfMsds) = averageMsdCount(1:numberOfMsds) + 1;
figure( FigureHandle );
averageMsd = averageMsd ./ averageMsdCount;
loglog((1:longestTrack)/FrameRate, averageMsd, 'k', 'linewidth', 3);
ylabel('MSD (nm^2)');
xlabel('Time (s)');
title('MSD versus Time Interval');
%hold off;
out = struct();
out.diffusionCoefficient = mean(d);
out.diffusionCoefficientUncertainty = std(d)/sqrt(length(d));
out.particles = particles;