Assignment 9 Overview: Analyzing yeast images

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20.309: Biological Instrumentation and Measurement

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11/11/2018 The details of this assignment are still being finalized. Check back soon! -JS

In Assignment 8 you upgraded your microscope to make two-color images, and fabricated a microfluidic device that we used to switch the flow through the device from two fluid reservoirs. In Assignment 10, we'll be replicating part of the experiment described in the following paper:

In preparation for this experiment, we're going to write the analysis code needed to extract the Hog1 protein's response from images of yeast cells.

To get started, read Mettetal's paper and answer some questions:


Our goal for assignment 10 is to reproduce the bode plot in the paper (Figure 2 B and C), and fit it to a model second-order system. We will only measure the 'wild type' yeast strain, since measuring the mutant would take too much time.

  • What are two questions that you have about the paper's methodology or how we're going to implement the experiment in 20.309?

Submit your work on Stellar in a single PDF file with the naming convention <Lastname><Firstname>Assignment9.pdf.


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