Nonlinear regression

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20.309: Biological Instrumentation and Measurement

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… the safe use of regression requires a good deal of thought and a good dose of skepticism

Arnold Barnett

Review of linear regression

Linear Regression is a method for finding the magnitude of the relationship between two variables that co-vary. The technique assumes that a straight line characterizes the relationship between the two quantities: 𝑦=𝛽π‘₯+𝛼, where 𝛽 is the true slope and 𝛼 is the true intercept. A simple way to find α and β is to measure the y at two different values of x, giving the datapoints (xi, yi); i = {1,2}. If the two points are precisely known, solving for the exact values of 𝛼 and 𝛽 is trivial. Unfortunately, all physical measurements include noise. The presence of noise precludes finding the exact values of 𝛼 and 𝛽.

Measurement noise can be modeled by adding a noise term, εi, to the right side of the model equation: yi=Βix+α+εix. The function of linear regression is to produce estimates of 𝛼 and 𝛽, denoted by α̂ and β̂, from a sample of N value pairs (xi, yi); i = {1, ..., N} that includes noise in the y-values. The most common regression model assumes that x is known exactly. In practice, regression works well if the relative magnitude of noise in x is much smaller than y.

The most common type of LR minimizes the value of the squared vertical distances between observed and predicted values Model : Assumptions: the independent variable π‘₯ is known with certainty (or at least very much less error than 𝑦) πœ€ is an independent, random variable with πœ‡=0 The distribution of πœ€ is symmetric around the origin the likelihood of large errors is less than small ones Uncertainty in slope estimate The error in slope π‘Š=π›½Β Μ‚βˆ’π›½ Variance of π‘Š characterizes slope error You can calculate a 95% (or other significance level) confidence interval for 𝛽 ̂ What factors should the uncertainty depend on? Estimate 𝜎^2 (π‘Š): 𝑉^2 (π‘Š)=(βˆ‘β–’γ€–π‘Ÿ_𝑖^ γ€—^2 )/((π‘βˆ’2)βˆ‘β–’γ€–(π‘₯_π‘–βˆ’π‘₯Β Μ…)γ€—^2 ) N-2 is a β€œpenalty” because regression line minimizes variance of residuals If the interval contains 0, the null hypothesis that 𝛽=0 cannot be rejected


Examine the residuals

  • plot 'em for an informal look
  • various tests of residuals exist

Overview of nonlinear regression

Regression block diagram.png
Block diagram of nonlinear regression

Practical nonlinear regression