20.109(S19): Prep notes for M2
From Course Wiki
48 hr preceding laboratory:
- seed DLD-1 (at 250K) and BRCA2-/2 (at 500K) in T25 flasks, 1 per team
- cell expansion schedule for D1, D2, and D8 prep
in tissue culture room (per team):
- 2 fresh T25 flasks
- 5 mL PBS
- 3 mL trypsin
- 12 mL media
in main lab (per team):
- none
24 hr preceding laboratory:
- seed DLD-1 (at 500K) and BRCA2-/- (at 1M) in T75 flasks, 2 per team
in tissue culture room (per team):
- 22 mL PBS
- 50 mL media
- 15 μL etoposide
in main lab (per team):
- none
prior to laboratory:
- prepare aliquots of purified RNA to supplement student samples
in tissue culture room (per team):
- 35 mL PBS
- 9 mL trypsin
in main lab (per team):
- RNA purification aliquots
- 1.5 mL RLT
- 1.5 mL 70% EtOH
- 3.0 mL RW1
- 4.2 mL RPE
- 140 μL RNase-free H2O
- cDNA aliquots
- 40 μL DEPC-treated H2O
- other reagents will be kept at front laboratory bench; students will prepare master mix with filtered tips
in tissue culture room (per team):
- none
in main lab (per team):
- none
prior to laboratory:
- prepare aliquots of cDNA to supplement student samples
in tissue culture room (per team):
- none
in main lab (per team):
- 2.75 mL RNase-free H2O
- qPCR aliquots
- 420 μL Buffer PB
- 1.5 mL Buffer PE
- 30 μL GAPDH primer mix
- 30 μL p21 primer mix
in tissue culture room (per team):
- none
in main lab (per team):
- none
in tissue culture room (per team):
- none
in main lab (per team):
- none
24 hr preceding laboratory:
- seed DLD-1 (6 wells at 25K) and BRCA2-/- (6 wells at 50K) in 12-well plate, 1 per team
in tissue culture room (per team):
- 28 mL PBS
- 18 mL media (for etoposide treatment)
- 20 μL etoposide
- 50 mL media (for drug treatment)
- 10 μL loperamide
- 10 μL mibefradil
in main lab (per team):
- none
in tissue culture room (per team):
- none
in main lab (per team):
- 6.5 mL CellTitre Glo reagent
- 30 mL PBS
- 6.5 mL media