20.109(F12): test pages 2

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20.109(F12): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

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Home        People        Schedule Fall 2012        Assignments        Lab Basics        OWW Basics       
DNA Engineering        System Engineering        Biomaterials Engineering              

Layout of the class

You will perform three series of experiments (called “modules”) over the course of the semester. The modules differ in length and in the ways you will be assessed. For each module, you also have the opportunity to choose a concentration area for your assessments, namely

  • an oral communication concentration (shown in red)
  • a written communication concentration (shown in blue)

You will be working as pairs throughout the semester, but you will submit several of your assignments and presentations as individuals. Relevant guidelines on academic integrity from MIT policies and procedures are here and here. Please ask one of the teaching faculty if any question arises about what constitutes collaboration, plagiarism, etc.

Module Oral communication concentration Written communication concentration
totals 20% of final grade
Lab certifications (10%) Lab certifications (10%)
Online cloning lab and defense (5%) M1 ppt summary and notes (10%)
FACS data analysis and defense (5%)
totals 35% of final grade
Slides for Oral Presentation (10%) Slides for Oral Presentation (10%)
Oral Presentation (10%) Full Research Article (25%)
Results and Discussion (15%)
totals 25% of final grade
Written Research Pre-Proposal (10%) Written Research Pre-Proposal (10%)
Oral Presentation (15%) Written Research Proposal (15%)

Some important notes

  1. You and your lab partner must choose the same concentration area for each module.
  2. We encourage but do not require that you try a different concentration for one module.
  3. You are locked into your decisions for the term by the end M1D3.
  4. Late work is penalized 1/3 of a letter grade each day late.
  5. Only work turned in on time is guaranteed timely or extensive feedback.

Module 1 Celebrations of Learning

Lab certifications

concentration % of final grade submit due individual/partner
Part 1 both
in lab M1D1: 9.11.12 or 9.12.12, open notes individual
Part 2 both
in lab M1D6: 10.2.12 or 10.3.12, open notes individual

Online cloning lab and defense

concentration % of final grade submit due individual/partner
oral communication
Stellar homework drop box slides due M1D6: 10.2.12, 11AM
defense for TA (+NK/AS) in lab 10.2.12 or 10.3.12

M1 ppt summary and notes

concentration % of final grade submit due individual/partner
written communication
Stellar homework drop box slides due M2D1: 10.11.12, 11AM partner

FACS data analysis and defense

concentration % of final grade submit due individual/partner
oral communication
Stellar homework drop box M2D1: 10.11.12, 11AM
defense during lab for BE 10.11.12 or 10.12.12

Module 2 Celebrations of Learning

Slides for Oral Presentation

concentration % of final grade submit due individual/partner
Stellar homework drop box M2D3: 10.18.12 or 10.19.12, 1PM individual

Oral Presentation

concentration % of final grade submit due individual/partner
oral communication
Stellar homework drop box M2D5: 10.23.12 or 10.24.12, 1PM
M2D8: 11.6.12 or 11.7.12, 1PM

Full Research Article

concentration % of final grade submit due individual/partner
written communication
Stellar homework drop box 11.12.12, 11:12AM individual

Results and Discussion sections

concentration % of final grade submit due individual/partner
oral communication
Stellar homework drop box 11.12.12, 11:12AM individual

Module 3 Celebrations of Learning

Written Research Pre-Proposal

concentration % of final grade submit due individual/partner
OWW page, printed and brought to class M3D4: 11.29.12, 11AM partner

Oral Presentation

concentration % of final grade submit due individual/partner
oral communication concentration
Stellar homework drop box M3D6: 12.06.12 or 12.07.12, 1PM partner

Written Research Proposal

concentration % of final grade submit due individual/partner
written communication concentration
Stellar homework drop box M3D6: 12.06.12 or 12.07.12, 1PM partner

All term, independent of concentration

5% Pre-lab Questions

You will be assigned a day to write three questions in advance of lab, submit these to the TA 24 hours in advance

10% Lab Notebooks

These will be reviewed by the TA once each module. You will be graded on a check minus (=75%), check (=85%), check plus (=95%) scale. The requirements for your notebooks are described here. The yellow sheets of your lab notebooks must be turned in to the TA by noon on 9.21.12 (module 1), 10.19.12 (module 2), 11.30.12 (module 3). They will be returned at the start of your next lab period.

===5% Reflections===