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(Estimating contour and persistence lengths)
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=== Estimating contour and persistence lengths ===
=== Estimating contour and persistence lengths ===
The worm-like chain model is one method to approximate the behavior of DNA under stress or strain.  
The worm-like chain model is one method to approximate the behavior of DNA when stretched. Here we are interested in the Extension curve of a DNA tether, so that we may use its (hypothetically) linear region to calculate the place of tether attachment. We fitted our data (guided by calibration calculations) to the following model equation using nlinfit to solve for the persistence and contour lengths.
<math> F = \frac{k_{B}}{l_{p}}[(\frac{1}{4}(1 - \frac{x}{l_{c}})^{-2} - \frac{1}{4} +\frac{x}{l_{c}}]</math><br/>
<math> F = \frac{k_{B}}{l_{p}}[(\frac{1}{4}(1 - \frac{x}{l_{c}})^{-2} - \frac{1}{4} +\frac{x}{l_{c}}]</math><br/>
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== Results ==
== Results ==
=== Force/Stretching Estimation using nlinfit ===
=== Proof of Concept for Center Calculation ===
=== Proof of Concept for Center Calculation ===
The following data is one example, taken from tethered bead data at 20 mW.
The following data is one example, taken from tethered bead data at 20 mW.
=== Force/Stretching Estimation using nlinfit ===
(Calculated contour and persistence lengths are in nm at 20mW)
(Calculated contour and persistence lengths are in nm at 20mW)

Revision as of 08:58, 28 February 2012

Lab 1: Optical Trapping

What I wanted to accomplish

  • Complete a button that takes in data from a tethered microbead and adjusts the stage position to center it on the tether
    • Try to get nicer calibration data
    • Function that finds the center
    • Feed in recorded data in a simulation
  • Look at the properties of the tether, to calculate the persistence and contour lengths

What I have learned

  • How to talk to the DAQ and ActiveX controls
  • More about QPD and piezo-electric
  • How to put a button on a UI in Matlab!!

How We did it

Centering Function

  • First, I learned how to activate channels, and talk to the DAQ
  • I created a sine wave and had it repeat infinitely, then acquired that same data from the DAQ
  • In the actual code, we decided to integrate into OTKB.m, so the following is just the functions within that code
  • We begin by establishing a waveform in the x-direction, calculating the center position
    • Repeat in y-direction, then x-direction 4 times
  • Take the mean calculated center positions and use that as the final centering position
  • Invoke piezos to reset the center voltage at our calculated position
  • The centering function itself required only that I bin and average my data, smooth it, then find the indices of the max and min and take the point in the middle of them.

Estimating contour and persistence lengths

The worm-like chain model is one method to approximate the behavior of DNA when stretched. Here we are interested in the Extension curve of a DNA tether, so that we may use its (hypothetically) linear region to calculate the place of tether attachment. We fitted our data (guided by calibration calculations) to the following model equation using nlinfit to solve for the persistence and contour lengths.

$ F = \frac{k_{B}}{l_{p}}[(\frac{1}{4}(1 - \frac{x}{l_{c}})^{-2} - \frac{1}{4} +\frac{x}{l_{c}}] $

where k_{B} is the Boltzmann constant, l_{c} is the contour length and l_{p} is the persistence length.


Force/Stretching Estimation using nlinfit

LabI 3.png

Proof of Concept for Center Calculation

The following data is one example, taken from tethered bead data at 20 mW.

LabI 2.png LabI 1.png

(Calculated contour and persistence lengths are in nm at 20mW)


Centering Function

function pushbuttonDNATetherCenter_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
    dnaTetherCentering(handles, uiSettings)

function DNATetherCentering(handles, uiSettings)
    accuracy = 1;
    accuracyY = 1;
    setParams = false;
    xcenter = false;
    ycenter = false;
    while accuracy < 4;
        if ~setParams
            xaxisPiezoDriver = handles.PiezoDriverDescriptorList{1};
            yaxisPiezoDriver = handles.PiezoDriverDescriptorList{2};
            handles.SamplesToSave = uiSettings.numberofSeconds*uiSettings.sampleRate;

            Amplitude = uiSettings.stageOscillationAmplitude;
            waveformFreq = round(uiSettings.sampleRate / uiSettings.stageOscillationFrequency);
            time = linspace(0:length(numberOfSamples)-1,numberOfSamples);
            centeringcycle = Amplitude*sin(2*pi*waveformFreq * time)';
            waveform = [centeringcycle zeros(length(centeringcycle),1)]; 
            numberOfSamples = sampleRate * duration; %set sampleRate and duration;


            setParams = true;
        data = getdata(handles.DaqInputHandle);
        waveform = findCenter(data, xcenter, ycenter, waveform);
    function waveform = findCenter(data, xcenter, ycenter, waveform)

        [quantizedXAxisx BinnedDatax StandardDeviationx Countx] = BinData( ...
         data, 'XColumn', 3, 'YColumn', 1);
        [quantizedXAxisy BinnedDatay StandardDeviationy County] = BinData( ...
         data, 'XColumn', 4, 'YColumn', 2);
        data = [BinnedDatax' BinnedDatay' quantizedXAxisx' quantizedXAxisy']; % qpdx qpdy piezx piezy

        centeredPosition = (positionOfMaxVoltage + positionOfMinVoltage)/2;
        fprintf('The position of the stage is %d',centeredPosition);

        if ~xcenter && ~ycenter
            [MaxValue MaxVoltageIndex] = max(data(:,1));
            positionOfMaxVoltage = centeringcycle(MaxVoltageIndex(1));
            [MinValue MinVoltageIndex] = min(data(:,1));
            positionOfMinVoltage = centeringcycle(MinVoltageIndex(1));
            centeredPosition = (positionOfMaxVoltage + positionOfMinVoltage)/2;
             'SetPosOutput', 0, centeredPosition);
            xcenter = true;
            waveform = [zeros(length(centeringcycle),1) centeringcycle ]; 

        elseif xcenter && ~ycenter
            [MaxValue MaxVoltageIndex] = max(data(:,2));
            positionOfMaxVoltage = centeringcycle(MaxVoltageIndex(1));
            [MinValue MinVoltageIndex] = min(data(:,2));
            positionOfMinVoltage = centeringcycle(MinVoltageIndex(1));
            centeredPosition = (positionOfMaxVoltage + positionOfMinVoltage)/2;
             'SetPosOutput', 0, centeredPosition);
            fprintf('The position of the stage is %d',centeredPosition);
            waveform = [ centeringcycle zeros(length(centeringcycle),1)]; 
            if accuracyY == 4;
               centeredPosition = mean(CheckaccuracyYposition);
                'SetPosOutput', 0, centeredPosition);
            CheckaccuracyYposition(accuracyY) = centeredPosition;
            accuracyY = accuracyY + 1;
            ycenter = true;

        elseif xcenter && ycenter 
            [MaxValue MaxVoltageIndex] = max(data(:,1));
            positionOfMaxVoltage = centeringcycle(MaxVoltageIndex(1));
            [MinValue MinVoltageIndex] = min(data(:,1));
            positionOfMinVoltage = centeringcycle(MinVoltageIndex(1));
            centeredPosition = (positionOfMaxVoltage + positionOfMinVoltage)/2;
            CheckaccuracyXposition(accuracy) = centeredPosition;
            waveform = [ centeringcycle zeros(length(centeringcycle),1)];
            % center to mean value of all checkaccuracyXposition
            if accuracy == 4;
               centeredPosition = mean(CheckaccuracyXposition);
                'SetPosOutput', 0, centeredPosition);
            accuracy = accuracy +1;
            ycenter = false;

Persistence and Contour Length Estimation

Y = 1;          % Young's modulus
I = 1;          % moment of inertia
T = 293;        % Temperature K
k_B = 1.38e-23; % Boltzmann's constant (m^2 kg)/(s^2 K)
x = 10;         % end to end extension of DNA tether

l_p = 45;       % persistence length nm (Y * I)/(k_B * T);
l_c = 1180;     % contour length nm

datax = load('pretty nice DNA tether 20mw 1.txt');

datax(:,3) = datax(:,3)*2.22; % 2.22 um/V
datax(:,1) = datax(:,1)/(.5); % .5 V/um

location = [1 1];

edgesx = linspace(min(datax(:,3)), max(datax(:,3)), 1e3);
[l, whichbinx] = histc(datax(:,3), edgesx);
binmeansx = zeros(1, length(edgesx-1));

for i = 1:length(edgesx)-1
    flagmembers = (whichbinx == i);
    members = datax(flagmembers,1);
    binmeansx(i) = mean(members);

smoothedx = smooth(binmeansx,200);
[xmin xminindex] = min(smoothedx);
[xmax xmaxindex] = max(smoothedx);
middlex = ceil(mean([xminindex xmaxindex]));

x_stage = edgesx(xmaxindex:xminindex); %, smoothedx(xmaxindex:xminindex)
x_bead = 1e3*abs(smoothedx(middlex) - smoothedx(xmaxindex:xminindex))';

y = x_bead*5e-5; % 5e-5 N/um
myFunction = @ (x, xdata)  forceApplied(Y, I, T, x_bead, x(1), x(2));
beta = nlinfit(x_bead, y, myFunction, [45, 1180]);

semilogx(x_bead, forceApplied(Y, I, T, x_bead, beta(1), beta(2)))
ylabel('Force [pN]')
xlabel('Tether Extension [nm]')
title(['DNA Tether Stretching - L_p: ', num2str(beta(1)), ' L_c: ', num2str(beta(2))])</nowiki