Assignment 2 Part 1: Noise in images

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20.309: Biological Instrumentation and Measurement

ImageBar 774.jpg


Recording a digital image is essentially an exercise in measuring the intensity of light at numerous points on a grid. In class, we developed a simplified model of a camera sensor as a photodiode with a bucket underneath. Photons striking the photodiode give rise to photoelectrons, which are collected in the bucket and then counted at the end of the exposure. Like most physical measurements, quantifying light intensity is subject to observational error from various sources. Three of the most significant error sources that affect digital images are: shot noise, dark current noise, and read noise. Shot noise arises from the inherent variability of photon emission. A good probabilistic model for for for shot noise is a Poisson distributed random variable whose variance is equal to the average rate of photon detection. Dark current happens because the physical detector exists at a nonzero temperature. Dark electrons are electrons that, just by chance, obtain enough energy to fall into the charge bucket underneath each pixel even though they did not interact with a photon. If the number of dark electrons was constant, it would a simple matter to subtract this number off the result. Unfortunately, dark electrons are stochastic, so the number that fall into the well on each exposure is not completely predictable. Dark current noise — the variability in dark current — roughly follows a Poisson distribution with a variance is equal to the average number of dark electrons per frame. Read noise summarizes all of the errors that take place during the process of counting electrons that have fallen into the bucket. One significant source of read noise is the random thermal motion of electrons in the amplifier that is part of the readout circuit. Read noise is frequently modeled with a normal distribution.

The amount of information in any signal, whether it is as an image or a neural recording or a stock price, depends on the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). Understanding how to minimize noise in images is important because microscopic images are frequently are quite dim, and results are often noise limited. In this part of the assignment, you will use MATLAB or another computing environment of your choice to simulate the major sources of error in images and then you will measure the characteristics of the Manta G040B cameras we use in the lab.

Before we dive into the computer model, it may be helpful to indulge in with a short review of (or introduction to) probability concepts.

Probability review

Random distributions

Plots of PDF $ f_x(x) $ vs. $ x $ and CDF $ F_x(x) $ vs $ x $ for the uniform distribution on the interval (0,1) and the normal distribution with $ \mu=0 $ and $ \sigma=1 $. MATLAB functions rand and randn return pseudorandom values that follow these distributions.

The question of what exactly a random variable is can get a bit philosophical. For present purposes, let's just say that a random variable represents the outcome of some stochastic process, and that you have no way to predict what the value of variable will be.

Even though the value of a random variable is not predictable, it is usually the case that some outcomes are more likely than others. The specification of the relative likelihood of each outcome is called a Probability Density Function (PDF), usually written as $ f_x(x) $. Two commonly-used PDFs are shown in the plots on the right. Larger values of the PDF indicate more likely outcomes.

The probability that a continuous random variable will take on a particular value such as 0.5 is (perhaps counter-intuitively) zero. This is because there are an infinite number of possible outcomes. The chance of getting exactly 0.5 when there are an infinite set of possible outcomes is equal to one divided by infinity. In other words, there is no chance at all of getting exactly 0.5. This is kind of baffling to think about and certainly annoying to work with. It's frequently cleaner to work with intervals. The chance that a random variable will fall between two numbers $ a $ and $ b $ can be found by integrating the PDF from $ a $ to $ b $:

$ Pr(a \leq x \leq b)=\int_a^b f(x) $

The Cumulative Distribution Function $ F_x(x) $ is equal to the integral of the PDF from $ -\infty $ to $ x $:

$ F_x(x)=\int_{-\infty}^x f_x(\tau) d\tau $

$ F_x(x) $ is the probability that $ x $ takes on a value less than $ x $. Using the CDF, it easy to calculate probability that $ x $ falls within the interval $ [a,b] $:

$ Pr(a \leq x \leq b)=F_X(b)-F_x(a) $.

Mean, variance, and standard deviation

If you average a large number of outcomes of a random variable $ x $, the result approaches the variable's mean value $ \mu_x $:

$ \lim_{N\to\infty} \frac{1}{N} \sum_{1}^{N}{x_n}=\mu_x $

The mean can also be found from the PDF by integrating every possible outcome multiplied by its likelihood:

$ \mu_x=E(x)=\int_{−\infty}^{\infty}{x P(x) dx} $.

Standard deviation $ \sigma_x $ quantifies how far a random variable is likely to fall from its mean. Variance $ \sigma_x^2 $ is equal to the standard deviation squared. Sometimes, it is easier to work with variance in calculations. Most often, the interpretation of standard deviation is more intuitive than variance.

$ \sigma_x^2=\lim_{N\to\infty} \frac{1}{N} \sum_{1}^{N}{(x_n-\mu_x)^2} $

Variance can also be calculated from the PDF:

$ \sigma^2_x=\int_{−\infty}^{\infty}{(x-\mu)^2 P(x)dx} $

Calculations with random variables

If you add two random variables, their means add. Their variances also add. Standard deviations add under a big 'ol square root.

$ \mu_{x+y}=\mu_x+\mu_y $
$ \sigma_{x+y}^2=\sigma_x^2+\sigma_y^2 $
$ \sigma_{x+y}=\sqrt{\sigma_x^2+\sigma_y^2} $


If you average N independent outcomes of a random variable, the standard deviation of the average is equal to

$ \sigma_{\bar{x},N}=\frac{\sigma_x}{\sqrt{N}} $

The standard deviation decreases in proportion to the square root of the number of averages. The term independent means that each outcome does not depend in any way on any other outcome.

Useful distributions

Binomial distribution

The binomial distribution considers the case where the outcome of a random variable is the sum of many individual go/no-go trials. The distribution assumes that the trials are independent and that the probability of success, $ p $, for each trial is the same. An example of a process that is well-modeled by the binomial distribution is the number of heads in 100 coin tosses. On each toss, the probability of success (heads) is $ p=0.5 $. If $ N $ is the number of trials, the average number of successes is equal to $ Np $. If you toss the coin 100 times, you expect on average to get 50 heads. The binomial distribution answers the question: "How surprised should I be if I get 12 heads?"[1] The probability mass function (PMF) for a random variable x ~ B(Np) gives the probability of getting exactly k successes in N trials:

$ Pr(k;n,p) = \Pr(x = k) = {n\choose k}p^k(1-p)^{n-k} $

for k = 0, 1, 2, ..., n, where

$ \binom n k =\frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} $

(This is called a PMF instead of a PDF because it is discrete — the only possible outcomes are integers between 0 and N.)

The standard deviation of a binomial distribution is:

$ \sigma_x^2=np(1-p) $

Poisson distribution

Sometimes, it is useful to model a binary process where you know the average value of the process, but not N and p. If p is small ($ p<<1 $), it is straightforward to make the approximation $ (1-p)=1 $. When p is small, a very good approximation of the variance is:

$ \sigma_x^2=np $

The variance of a Poisson-distributed variable is equal to its mean. The Poisson distribution is a useful model for photon emission, radioactive decay, the number of letters you receive in the mail, the number of page requests on a certain website, the number of people who get in line to check out at a store, and many other everyday situations. The ability to estimate the variability of a binary process without knowing N and p is incredibly useful.

Normal distribution. Each band has a width of 1 standard deviation

Normal distribution

The normal distribution (also frequently called a Gaussian distribution or a bell curve is specified by two parameters, an average value $ \mu $, and a standard deviation $ \sigma $:

$ f(x \; | \; \mu, \sigma^2) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2} } \; e^{ -\frac{(x-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2} } $

In the normal distribution, about 68% of outcomes fall within the interval $ \mu \pm \sigma $, about 95% in the interval $ \mu \pm 2 \sigma $, and about 99.7% in the interval $ \mu \pm 3 \sigma $

Central Limit Theorem

If you add together a bunch of independent random variables, their sum tends to look like a normal distribution.

Modeling a single pixel

Let's start by modeling a single pixel. The first thing we need is a source of random numbers, so fire up MATLAB or any other computing you like on your computer (and stop whining about it). MATLAB includes several functions for generating random numbers. We will make our first model using the function rand(), which returns a random value that follows a uniform distribution in the interval (0, 1). Go ahead and type rand() at the command line. Matlab will return a number between 0 and 1. Do it a few times — it's kind of fun. You get a different number every single time. Can you guess what number will come next? If you can, please come see me.

If you want a bunch of random numbers, rand can help you out with that that, too. If you call rand with two integer arguments M and N, the function will return a matrix of random numbers with M rows by N columns. The code snippet below to generates and displays (as an image) a 492 row x 656 column matrix of numbers with uniform distribution on the interval [0,1]:

noiseImage = rand( 492, 656 );
imshow( noiseImage );

Okay, enough goofing around with the random number generator. Assume you are imaging a single molecule has a 0.01% chance of emitting a photon each microsecond. For the time being, assume you have perfect detector with a 100% chance of detecting each photon. The exposure (duration over which the measurement is made) is 1 second. To model photon emission over a single microsecond, you can use the rand function like this: sum( rand( 1, 1E6 ) < 0.0001 ). This statement will generate a vector of 1 million random numbers. The less than operator returns 1 for all values smaller than 10-4 and 0 for all the rest. Since rand returns numbers between 0 and 1 with a uniform distribution, there will be 0.01% chance of getting a 1 at any given position in the vector. The sum function adds up all of the ones and zeros and returns a count the total number of simulated photons emitted. On average, you would expect to detect about 100 photons during a one second long measurement. From what we know about the Poisson distribution, we can guess that the standard deviation will be very close to the square root of the average value, or about 10 in this case. The std function computes the standard deviation of its argument.

Let's run the simulation one thousand times and plot the results. You can copy-paste this code into the MATLAB command window.

close all

probabilityOfEmission = 1E-4;
numberOfPhotonsEmitted = nan( 1, 1000 ); % allocate space for the results

for ii = 1:1000
    numberOfPhotonsEmitted(ii) = sum( ( rand( 1, 1E6 ) < probabilityOfEmission ) );
    plot( numberOfPhotonsEmitted, 'x' );
    axis( [ 1 1000 0 140 ] );
    xlabel( 'n' );
    ylabel( 'Number of Photons' );
    title( [ 'Photon Count (N=' num2str(ii) ...
        ' siumulations) \mu=' num2str( mean( numberOfPhotonsEmitted(1:ii) ) ) ...
        ' \sigma=' num2str( std( numberOfPhotonsEmitted(1:ii) ) )] );

As you can see from the plot, just due to chance alone, the number of photons emitted varies around the average value. Even though the average number of photons emitted and detected doesn't change, the actual number is most often larger or smaller than the average. Due to the stochastic nature of photon emission, it is impossible to measure the average value with complete confidence in a finite amount of time. You have no way of knowing whether there were fewer or greater photons than average during the interval of the measurement. This kind of noise is called shot noise and it is inherent to the imaging process.

Shot noise places a fundamental limit on the precision of light measurements. Even if you do everything exactly right, the signal to noise ratio of is

$ \textrm{SNR}=\frac{N}{\sigma_N}=\frac{N}{\sqrt{N}}=\sqrt{N} $

An ideal detector is said to be shot noise limited and achieves an SNR of $ \sqrt{N} $

Gaussian approximation

MATLAB can produce a lovely histogram of the simulation results:

edges = 40:10:160;
centers = ( edges(1:(end-1)) + edges(2:end) ) / 2;
[ counts ] = histcounts( numberOfPhotonsEmitted, edges );
bar( centers, counts )

% add numbers on top of the bars
for ii=1:numel(centers)
    text( centers(ii), counts(ii), num2str( counts(ii) ),...

title( 'Distribution of Simulated Photon Counts' )
ylabel( 'Number of Results in Range' )
xlabel( 'Number of Photons' )

  • What percentage of the results fall with one, two, and three standard deviations? Is it reasonable to approximate this situation as a normal distribution?
  • Produce a log-log plot of standard deviation of the number of photons emitted as a function of the average number of photons emitted for probability of photon emission equal to the values: 10-6, 10-5, 10-4, 10-3, and 10-2.


    • Use a nested loop.
    • Speed things up by getting rid of the plotting inside the loop and only run 100 simulations for each probability.
  • What is the relationship between the number of photons detected and the noise (standard deviation)?
  • Repeat the simulation for a detector that has only a 25% chance of detecting a photon and a light source that is 4 time brighter.
  • Turn in the code you used to generate the plots

Imaging noise model

The formula below is a mathematical model of the imaging process, including noise and the camera's gain constant:

$ P_{x,y} =G \left( I_{x,y} + \epsilon_{x,y} \right) $,

where $ x $ and $ y $ are spatial coordinates, $ P_{x,y} $ is the matrix of pixel values returned by the camera , $ G $ is the gain of the camera, $ I_{x,y} $ is the actual light intensity in the plane of the detector, and $ \epsilon_{x,y} $ is a matrix of error terms that represent noise introduced in the imaging process.

Read noise and dark current noise

Conceptually, detection of light can be decomposed into three steps: 1. conversion of light to free electrical charge-carriers; 2. conversion of current to voltage; 3measurement of voltage.

In addition to shot noise, most devices for measuring light like CCD and CMOS cameras have additional noise sources. Two important noise sources in cameras are dark current noise and read noise. Both of these noises result from the way that electrons jiggle around in things that have a temperature above absolute zero.

Johnson noise displayed on an analog television set. In the absence of an input signal, analog television sets turn up the gain on their amplifier to the maximum. At maximum gain, Johnson noise is amplified to the point where it can be observed directly on the screen.

Electrons in the detector don't have equal energies. Most of the electrons are at or near ground state at normal temperatures. But just by chance, a few electrons can have energies high enough to make it into the bucket even though they were not excited by a photon. These "dark" electrons roll into the collection bucket and they are counted just the same as electrons that were excited by photons. Even in total darkness the count is not zero. Because there are a huge number of electrons and the probability that an electron will roll into the bucket without being excited by a photon is very small, the Poisson distribution is a good model for dark current noise. Camera manufacturers frequently specify the dark current in units of electrons per pixel per second. The problem is not so much that dark electrons roll into the bucket — it's that the process is stochastic. The square root of the average number of dark electrons gives a good approximation for the standard deviation of the dark current noise.

Another problem caused by thermal motion of electrons is called Johnson noise. The electrons inside the resistor jiggle around stochastically. At any given time, a few more electrons are jiggling left than right, and this gives rise to a noise voltage on the resistor even if there is no voltage applied. (Conceptually) the camera counts electrons by measuring the voltage they induce as they traverse a resistor. Johnson noise adds uncertainty in the counting process. The Gaussian distribution is a good model for Johnson noise.

Measure camera parameters

In this part of the assignment, you will use linear regression to quantify dark current, read noise, and gain of the Manta G-040B cameras in the lab. A dataset taken on 15 September 2018 is available at this link. You can

Create a synthetic noise movie

The code below uses MATLAB's random number generator to create a 100 synthetic pictures of an unchanging light pattern plus realistic shot, dark current, and read noise — similar to the movie you made in Assignment 1. The functions use MATLAB's built-in function poissrnd.

darkCurrent = 1000;
exposureTime = 1;
readNoiseStandardDeviation = 10;
cameraGain = 0.25;

idealImage = 4095 / cameraGain * rand( 200,200 );
noiseMovie = repmat( idealImage, [ 1 1 100 ] );

for ii = 1:size( noiseMovie, 3 )
    noiseMovie(:,:,ii) = poissrnd( noiseMovie(:,:,ii) );% shot noise
    noiseMovie(:,:,ii) = noiseMovie(:,:,ii) + poissrnd( darkCurrent * exposureTime * ones( size( idealImage )) ); % dark current
    noiseMovie(:,:,ii) = noiseMovie(:,:,ii) + readNoiseStandardDeviation * randn( size( idealImage ) ); % read noise
    noiseMovie(:,:,ii) = noiseMovie(:,:,ii) - darkCurrent * exposureTime; % subtract off the average value of dark current

noiseMovie = noiseMovie * cameraGain;

You can make a variance vs. mean plot using the same code you used in Assignment 1:

pixelMean = mean( double( squeeze( noiseMovie) ), 3 );
pixelVariance = var( double( squeeze( noiseMovie) ), 0, 3 );
[counts, binValues, binIndexes ] = histcounts( pixelMean(:), 250 );
binnedVariances = accumarray( binIndexes(:), pixelVariance(:), [], @mean );
binnedMeans = accumarray( binIndexes(:), pixelMean(:), [], @mean );
loglog( pixelMean(:), pixelVariance(:), 'x' );
hold on
loglog( binnedMeans, binnedVariances, 'LineWidth', 3 )
xlabel( 'Mean (ADU)' )
ylabel( 'Variance (ADU^2)')
title( 'Image Noise Versus Intensity' )

  • On one set of axes, plot the variance vs. mean for exposure times of 10-4, 10-3, 10-2, 10-1, 100 seconds.
  • In what situations is dark current noise a significant problem?


  1. Answer: extremely surprised. The probability of this happening is about 10-15

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