20.109(S14):Data analysis (Day7)

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20.109(S14): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

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Topic 1: document some of the lecture info on NHEJ key players, leading to

Topic 2: more about C401 inhibitor, and

Topic 3: more about colony-forming assay and staining approach

Topic 4: but the most interesting/fun will be flow analysis: mean vs median choice; breaking down the Day 5 equation a bit more

Oh, and just a word about the MCS/GC/etc. issue for context


Part 1: Stain irradiated cell colonies

Option to do it on M3D1 if they want to grow longer for bigger colonies?

All in main lab: rinse w/ 2mL pre-warmed PBS, add 2 mL Coomassie for 1 hr w/shaking, save it afterward, rinse w/PBS again, let dry a little bit, then count colonies right away. (Suggestions for counting approach and how to decide which ones pass the threshold.)

Part 2: Flow cytometry analysis


  • You will begin by looking at images from the instructor samples to learn how to read the plots and summary statistics.
  • Next you will peek at your own images and form preliminary expectations about your data set.
  • Finally, you will work in Excel to precisely calculate the NHEJ repair value for each of your three conditions.


  1. On one of the lab computers, double-click on the FACS server shortcut.
    • Alternatively, on your own computer access directly. Ask your instructors for the username and password.
  2. Go to the April 2014 folder, then to Agi Stachowiak. Copy over both the T/R and W/F image sets to your laptop: the filenames begin "analysis-images" and only the dates differ.
  3. Copy over just your own day of statistics, unless you really want access to all of the raw data in your back pocket: the .csv filenames begin "analysis-statistics" and only the dates differ.
  4. The instructor samples are listed in the table below. From this table, and from the T/R and W/F image sets, try to address the questions below.
    • Background. The scatter data is used – in three steps – to make gate P3, which should consist primarily of live, single cells. From the cells gated in P3, two sub-gates are made that capture all GFP-positive cells ("Green cells" gate) and all BFP-positive cells ("Blue cells" gate). Both singly and doubly positive cells are included in each gate. It is important to read the "% Parent" statistics: these indicate XFP-positive cells as a percentage of all the cells in P3. The "% Total" statistics include debris, aggregates, and clearly dead cells!
    • What percent Green cells are in the mock sample on each day? What about Blue cells?
    • What percent of singly-transfected cells express GFP? Do within-day and cross-day replicates agree well or not?
    • What percent of singly-transfected cells express BFP? Do within-day and cross-day replicates agree well or not?
    • What percent of co-transfected cells express GFP? Express BFP? Comparing the Green and Blue gates to Q1 and Q4, about what percent of cells seem co-transfected, versus expressing just GFP, and expressing just BFP?
    • How is within-day and cross-day replicate agreement for the co-transfected samples? Does the table below suggest an explanation for why?
    • Does ethanol appear to affect scatter profiles? What about affecting GFP, BFP, or co-expression?
    • What NHEJ repair value do you calculate for Zac's original BFP plasmid, using the first replicate in the W/F instructor data? Try this calculation by hand, using the mean fluorescence intensity. Later, you can include this data as a check on your Excel worksheet. The value you should calculate is 12.8%.
  5. After you understand the instructor data, skim over your 12 sample plots. Can you see apparent differences between K1, K1+401, and xrs6?
  6. Now that you have a good conceptual understanding of the data, it's time to crunch some numbers. Open the .csv file and save it as a newly named .xlsx file.
  7. Begin by deleting all of the rows except the twelve containing your own dataset.
  8. Next delete all of the columns except the few that interest you. Keep in mind that you need to know Green cell and Blue cell gating as a % of the parent gate, P3. Class-wide, you are only required to do your calculations based on mean fluorescence intensity (MFI), to be consistent with Samson lab data. However, you may find it interesting to see whether using median fluorescence intensity gives you the same trends or not. Just a few extra copy-pastes to do both calculations!
  9. We recommend that you prepare a new Excel file with your NHEJ equations, and just copy-paste in the appropriate % and MFI data; this approach is a versatile one. Your final worksheet might look similar to the screenshot below.
  10. Remember that for each of the twelve wells you should calculate raw reporter expressions and a BFP/GFP normalized value. Then, for each intact/cut pair you can calculate an NHEJ value. In this way, we should have quadruplicate NHEJ values for most repair topology/cell population conditions, which will allow us to do statistical comparisons.

Reference information:

TR instructor samples.
WF instructor samples.

Sample NHEJ calculator screenshot.

Add all NHEJ values (and B/G ratios?) to group Excel worksheet somehow? What is best data-sharing approach? Maybe post full Excel sheets and then people can Copy → Paste Special → Values?

For next time

Methods, as promised.

Reagent list

write something here or not accessible to edit

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Previous Day: DNA repair assays