20.109(F11): Mod 3 Day 4 Solar cell assembly

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20.109(F11): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

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Solar Cell Assembly


Screen shot 2011-11-16 at 11.02.56 PM.png

The principle of our dye-sensitized solar cells is that light absorption by a dye will provide the energy to transfer its electrons to a mixture of titania and titania coated SWNT:phage complexes, which will act as a shuttle to deliver the electrons to an external circuit for extraction of "useful" energy. To complete the cell an Iodide redox mediator is used to recycle electorns back to the dye from a cathode. During the first two lab sessions of this third module, you worked to coat genetically-modified M13 phage with single walled carbon nano-tubes and to mineralize TiO2 upon them. (These steps are summarized visually in the top of the figure to the right) Now it's time to use these complexes to construct the anode of the dye-sensitized solar cell. (The anode can be seen in the bottom left of the image to the right)


While You Were Out

The TiO2 mineralized SWNT:phage complexes that you left last time were dried in a vacuum oven at room temperature. The dried substance was then ground, using a mortar and pestle into a powder on the micrometer scale. To this ground material, a paste of pure TiO2, ethyl cellulose (for viscosity) and terpineol (an organic solvent) was added. To the right can be seen the image of the paste before the SWNT:titania powder was added (left) and after (right).